- Wyoming bolsters cyber defense efforts with new team
(Wyoming News Now, June 12th) - House bill charts alternative path for water sector
(Politico, June 12th) - Bulgaria’s Cyber Level ups stake in Croatia’s Slatinska Banka above 5%
(SeeNews, June 12th) - Ofcom data compromised in mass cyber attack
(Verdict UK, June 12th) - Nova Scotia provides details on huge data breach
(HR Reporter, June 12th) - Swiss Government Targeted by Series of Cyber-Attacks
(InfoSecurity, June 12th) - Creating A Cyber-Conscious Culture — It Must Be Driven From The Top
(Forbes, June 12th) - Why security pros have to work more closely with cyber insurers
(SC Media, June 12th) - ‘Staff training is crucial to reducing cyber attack risk’
(Financial Times Adviser, June 12th) - FIIG Securities investigating cyber breach that could have hit up to 6,000 investors
(Business News Australia, June 12th)